Live bookmarks are, well, live
Posted: 2 years ago
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!
One quick update before I take a couple of days off:
The live bookmarks are now available to everyone. I rewrote the homepage a few weeks ago to delight you at the individual article level; this is meant to delight you at the tag level.
If you go to your following page, you will see all the tags you’re following, sorted by your deputy score and whether or not you’ve already read everything with that tag. This is great for sites that don’t publish that often, but for which you want to read everything they put out. Or tags or tweeters, for that matter. (I have a couple of folks for whom I want to see everything they tweet out.)
Also, on every tag page, there’s now a button that will mark all of the articles as seen. This will then bury that tag on your following page until there’s something new for you to see.
I hope you find this helpful, and please let me know if you have any questions.