- 14th
- 16th century
- A
- Aa
- Aberration
- Abnormal
- Abode
- Achromatic
- Actual
- Admission
- Adopted
- Advancement
- Aerial
- Aerial telescope
- Aggregate
- Almost
- Alone
- Amsterdam
- An
- An Angle
- Anger
- Angers
- Angle
- Anticipating
- Anticipation
- Appearances
- Appendage
- Application
- Approximation
- Armada Music
- Arrested
- As One
- Assault
- Assignment
- Assimilation
- Astronomer
- Astronomy
- Attention
- Axiom
- Bent
- Bibliothèque nationale de France
- Birefringence
- Bodies
- Body
- Breda Hi
- Bright
- Brilliant!
- Brother
- Catenary
- Cause
- Celebrated
- Center of mass
- Center of percussion
- Centre
- Centrifugal
- Centrifugal force
- Character
- Cheek
- Cheeks
- Chief
- Christiaan Huygens
- Christopher Wren
- Chromatic
- Chromatic aberration
- Circle
- Circular
- Circular error probable
- Circular motion
- Circumference
- Cissoid
- Claim
- Class
- Classical Mechanics
- Class of
- Clocks
- Collision
- Communication
- Competitors
- Composed
- Composition
- Compression
- Conception
- Concise
- Conclusion
- Conclusions
- Connected
- Connexions
- Conservation
- Considerable
- Constantijn Huygens
- Construction
- Containment
- Continued
- Convention
- Cord
- Corona
- Correcting
- Correctness
- Correspondence
- Cosmopolitan
- County of Nassau
- Crystals
- Custom
- Cycloid
- Dates
- Deal
- Dedication
- Deduction
- Definition
- Degree
- Demonstration
- Descartes
- Description
- Des Savant
- Detection
- Determination
- Devoted
- Diameter
- Difficulty
- Direction
- Discoveries
- Discovery!
- Distinguishing
- Disturbance
- Diverted
- Doctor
- Doctor of law
- Dozen
- Drum rudiment
- Dutch
- Dynamic
- Dynamics
- Earth
- Ecliptic
- Edited
- Education
- Effect
- Elastic
- Elected
- Ellipsis
- Encyclopedia
- Engagé
- England
- English
- English translation
- Enormous
- Enter
- Entitled
- Envelope
- Error
- Essay
- Essays
- Establishment
- Estimation
- E.T.
- Et cetera
- Evolute
- Extraordinary
- Father
- Fell
- Fellow
- Fixed
- Floating
- Focal length
- Following
- Formal
- Foundation
- Four
- France
- Frans van Schooten
- French
- Fundamental
- Fundamental law
- Governing
- Gravitation
- Gravity
- Greatness
- Grégoire de Saint-Vincent
- Grinding
- Hague
- Heading
- Highest
- Him
- Himself
- His Brother
- Hit
- Hollandaise sauce
- Honorary
- Honorary degree
- Hooke
- Horologium
- Horologium Oscillatorium
- Huygens
- Hyperbole
- Hypothesis
- Ideas
- Ignace
- Illusionistic ceiling painting
- Imagination
- Immediate
- Immortality
- Important event
- Incline
- Indefinite
- Index ellipsoid
- Ingenious
- In itself
- Intellect
- Interdependence
- Interrupt
- Invention
- Investigation
- Investigations
- Isochronous
- Itself
- J
- John Templeton Foundation
- John Walli
- John Wallis
- Journal
- Journal des sçavans
- Jurisprudence
- Justly Hill
- Known
- Lactalis
- Law
- Learned
- Legal
- Legal Studies
- Leiden
- Leiden University
- Length
- Lense
- Letters
- Library
- Light
- Little More
- Little Theatre
- Logarithmic
- Louis
- Louis XIV
- Lumiere
- Magnetic reluctance
- Magnifying power
- Magnum
- Magnum Opus
- Manuscript
- Married
- Materials
- Mathematician
- Mathematics
- Matter
- Mechanical
- Mechanical inventors
- Mechanician
- Mechanics
- Mechanism
- Men
- Méré
- Method
- Methods
- Mission
- Monumental
- Most
- Motion
- Motive
- Movement
- Nassau
- Native
- Native country
- Nebula
- Need
- Never
- Never married
- New
- Newtonian
- Notability
- Nuclear
- Number
- Oblate
- Observation
- Observer
- Oeuvre
- Of June
- One half
- On High
- Only
- On the Crown
- Opera
- Opera Posthuma
- Optic
- Optics
- Opus
- Originative
- Orion Nebula
- Oscillation
- P
- Pardies
- Partial
- Particular
- Pendulum
- Phase
- Phases
- Phenomenon
- Philosophy
- Physical
- Physical optics
- Physicist
- Planet
- Planetary
- Polarization
- Poles
- Polishing
- Possession
- Posthumous
- Powerful
- Prediction
- Prelude
- Presenting
- Preserved
- Prevailing
- Primary
- Principia
- Principle
- Printing
- Probability
- Probability theory
- Production
- Propagation
- Properties
- Property
- Publication
- Publishing
- Quadrature
- Quality
- Qua Non
- Quarto
- Rank
- Ray, Indiana and Michigan
- Record
- Refused
- Regard
- Regards
- Region
- Regulate
- Rejected
- Relation
- Remarkable
- René Descartes
- Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
- Reputation
- Requisite
- Residence
- Residency
- Resolution
- Result
- Retained firefighter
- Revolutions
- Ring
- Robert Hooke
- Roi Wa
- Royal
- Royal Society
- Rudiment
- Satellite
- Savant
- School
- Science
- Scientific
- Seclusion
- Second
- Secondary
- Second Son
- Sensor
- Severed
- Short
- Shorter
- Simultaneity
- Sine Qua
- Sine Qua Non
- Sir
- Six
- Sixth
- Six Years
- So-called
- Solution
- Some
- Sons
- Sphere
- Spiral
- Sprang
- St
- Star
- States-General
- Still
- Strike
- Strong
- St. Vincent
- Subsequent
- Succinctness
- Sure
- Systema
- Tardiness
- Telescope
- Telescopes
- Tempting
- Ten
- The 8th
- The Aggregate
- The discovery
- The Dynamics
- The Extraordinary
- The first
- TheFreeDictionary.com
- The general
- The Hague
- The journal
- The Letters
- The mission
- The Motive
- Theorem
- The Orion
- Theory
- The Pendulum
- The point
- The Points
- The Possession
- The Resolution
- The Royal Society
- The Rudiments
- The Second Son
- The son
- The Sons
- The Telescope
- The time
- The Veil
- The work
- The works
- Three
- Title
- Tract
- Translation
- Treatise
- Turn
- Under the Veil
- Undulation
- Undulations
- Uniaxial crystal
- Universal
- University
- University of Angers
- Unsound
- Varia
- Variation
- Veil
- Vincent Thi
- Vinnius
- Visit
- Vis viva
- Volume
- Volumes
- Wave
- Waves
- Well known
- What
- When
- When the Nines Roll Over
- Whole
- Wikisource
- Wil Huygen
- Wonderful
- Yarn clearer
- Younger
- Younger brother