Serendeputy Blog

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A radical Twitterectomy

I can't afford a half-million dollars a year. What now? -- Full Post
Posted: 1 year ago

Serendeputy, Mastodon and the Fediverse

How Serendeputy is respectfully integrating links from the Fediverse -- Full Post
Posted: 1 year ago

Amazon integration

Your deputy now indexes books tweeted for you. -- Full Post
Posted: 1 year ago

Bookmarks are live

A quick introduction to the new bookmarks feature -- Full Post
Posted: 2 years ago

Fun new Reddit integration

Serendeputy is now crawling the top 1,500 or so subreddits, so you can treat each subreddit like any other site, following it, tuning it, etc. -- Full Post
Posted: 2 years ago

Live bookmarks are, well, live

The live bookmarks are now available to everyone. -- Full Post
Posted: 2 years ago

Updated homepage logic and fun with clustering

The new version of the homepage is live. Here's what's new -- Full Post
Posted: 2 years ago

Fun Summer Update

What I've been working on, and fun with evolutionary algorithms. -- Full Post
Posted: 3 years ago

The joy of resolving tradeoffs

Or, how to find the right answer when there is no right answer. -- Full Post
Posted: 3 years ago

History is now live

Easily get back to articles you've clicked on. -- Full Post
Posted: 3 years ago

A couple of more ways to tune your deputy

More fine-tuning options are here. -- Full Post
Posted: 3 years ago

New page on how Serendeputy works

I'm still here! Plus, some useful documentation -- Full Post
Posted: 3 years ago

Web, Email, RSS

Getting the most out of Serendeputy through the web, email and RSS. -- Full Post
Posted: 3 years ago

Subdeputies are here

Create focused newsfeed engines around specific areas. -- Full Post
Posted: 3 years ago

Subscribe to tags by email

Get daily email alerts on tags you want to follow. -- Full Post
Posted: 4 years ago

So, what's new in your world?

A quick update on what's new and how we're holding up during the lockdown -- Full Post
Posted: 4 years ago

Search by pasting in a url

A fun new feature within the search bar -- Full Post
Posted: 4 years ago

Happy November

Fun with scaling, and other quick notes. -- Full Post
Posted: 4 years ago

Following many tags at once

How to follow many tags at one time -- Full Post
Posted: 4 years ago

Welcome to Beta Two

Some quick notes on the new release -- Full Post
Posted: 5 years ago